Pierre u Jean
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Pierre u Jean

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Pierre u Jean / Pierre et Jean ta' Guy de Maupassant u maqlub għall-Malti minn Joe Pulè  hu l-ħ u għoxrin ktieb fis-Sensiela Traduzzjonijiet Faraxa.

Pierre u Jean hu rumanz naturalist u psikoloġiku dwar ċirku intimu ta’ familja ta’ erbgħa min‑nies u żewġt iħbieb ewlenin. Hu studju dwar l‑għira, is‑suspetti u l‑imħabba f’dil‑familja u Maupassant ipinġi l‑passjonijiet qawwija li jiżbroffaw fiha bl‑akbar delikatezza u bl‑ogħla sengħa narrattiva. Ir‑rumanz hu eżempju brillanti tal‑arti tiegħu bħala rakkontatur, f ’dak l‑istil pittoresk u vigoruż, fl‑istess ħin meqjus u sfumat, li jagħmluh wieħed mill‑akbar rumanzieri tal‑letteratura Franċiża tas‑seklu dsatax. Dan hu rumanz li jista’ u għandu jinqara diversi drabi biex jiġu apprezzati l‑implikazzjonijiet u l‑isfumaturi kollha tiegħu fil‑kuntest tal‑epoka li fiha nkiteb.

Guy de Maupassant (1850‑1893) twieled qrib Dieppe fin‑Normandija u matul ħajtu kollha kellu rabta profonda mal‑provinċja fejn twieled. Pierre u Jean (1888) li hu ġeneralment meqjus bħala l‑akbar rumanz tiegħu hu ambjentat f’ Le Havre, u waqt li jaqrah, wieħed iħossu l‑ħin kollu mdawwar bil‑ħsejjes, bix‑xeni u bl‑irwejjaħ ta’ port mimli attività.


Pierre u Jean / Pierre et Jean by Guy de Maupassant and translated into Maltese by Joe Pulè  is the twenty fifth book in the Faraxa Translation Series.

Pierre u Jean is a naturalist and psychological novel about an intimate circle consisting of a family of four and two great friends. It is a study on jealousy, suspicions and love within this family, and Maupassant portrays the great passions that erupt with utmost delicacy and with the highest narrative skill. The novel is a brilliant example of his artistry as a narrator, with his vigorous and picturesque style, at the same time deliberate and nuanced, which makes him one of the greatest French novelists of the nineteenth century. This is a novel which can and should be read multiple times so that all its implications and nuances can be truly appreciated, within the context of the epoch in which it was written.

Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was born near Dieppe in Normandy, and throughout his whole life he had a very profound tie to the province in which he was born. Pierre u Jean (1888), which is generally considered his greatest work, is set in Le Havre, and whilst reading it, one constantly feels surrounded by the sounds, scenes and scents of a port which is full of life.

Guy de Maupassant
Translated by:
Joe Pulè
Illustrated by:
pierre u jean
Also available as an ebook

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